This is the new Taco Bell in Itaewon. It's closest to subway exit #3 at the Itaewon stop.
Geckos is directly across the street from the Taco Bell on the second floor. They have a great cheeseburger. It's closest to subway exit #4 at the Itaewon stop.
The Wolfhound is a Irish pub and they also serve a great cheeseburger. The Wolfhound in the alley behind Geckos, just turn right in the alley and walk 100 feet downhill - it's on your right.
If you come out of subway exit #3 it's straight ahead on your right.
If you keep walking past the Starbucks you'll eventually pass this gas station. The Rocky Mountain Tavern is about 2-3 blocks further down on the same side.
Here's the entrance to the Rocky Mountain Tavern. It doesn't have a big sign facing the street so you need to keep an eye out for it. The show NHL games, some are live and some are on tape-delay using a Slingbox & DVR.
The bus stop is right near the top of the stairs coming out of subway exit #4.
This store is directly across the street from bus stop.
Bus 6030 runs to Incheon. It's 15,000 Won and you pay cash to the driver. Someone told me it runs every 20 minutes but that definitely depends on traffic. The one time I took it (on a Saturday night) it took almost 90 minutes.
As a reminder, if you have questions about Yeonggwang and would like to contact me, please email me directly. My email address is jleonard518 AT gmail DOT com. You can also email Tony - vikton AT msn DOT com. Please put something like 'questions about Yeonggwang' in the subject line. Thanks, Jim.
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