The manager's direct email is
The phone number from within Korea is 032-743-3060 or 032-743-3061.
If you only have a small bag or a backpack you can actually walk to the Incheon Guest House from the terminal. It's about a 15-minute walk. If you walk straight through the railroad terminal when you get outside look for a red bike path. Walk along the bike path. Eventually the bike path goes up and over a bridge over the road.
Follow signs to the Airport Railroad.
Doors to a walking bridge to the airport railroad. There are several of them.
The airport railroad terminal.
You'll go down the escalator to the bottom floor and then up the escalator you see at the far end of the station.
This is the back door of the railroad station after you go back up the escalator.
Double click this picture twice. You can see the bike rack straight ahead. Just to the left of the bike rack you can see the red bike path.
Just follow the red bike path.
The Incheon Guest House is in the building directly behind the bus. Note that the red bike path goes over a bridge on the left.
A view from the bike path bridge looking directly at the Guest House building.
The entrance is through the doors where you see Worldgate.
The entrance.
The Guest House lobby is through these frosted-glass doors. The sign above says Travel Agency in English.
The atrium area. There are rooms on several floors.
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