The buses don't have toilets so they make a 15-minute stop near the halfway point. From my experience it seems like the stop is 1 hour 45 minutes north of Yeonggwang and 1 hour 30 minutes south of Seoul, but that depends on Seoul traffic. When you come in to the rest area the announcement will come on in English. The driver will count heads before leaving, but don't be late. I always take my carry-on bag and ticket with me just in case I somehow miss the bus.
There are two levels of bus service to and from Seoul. The 'Normal' bus costs 16,000 Won one way and has four seats across (two on either side of the aisle). The other option is the 'Excellence' bus which cost 23,600 Won one way. It had two seats on one side of the aisle and one seat on the other. The seats are wider and they recline more. In my opinion it is worth the extra 7.600 Won.
The 'Excellence' express bus that costs 23,600 Won.
The 'Normal' express bus that costs 16,000 Won.
Here is the schedule for buses from Yeonggwang to Seoul. These cards are available at the Seoul ticket booth in the Yeonggwang terminal.
Here's the schedule you see above:
07:00 --- 23,600 Won
07:40 --- 16,000 Won
08:20 --- 23,600 Won
09:00 --- 16,000 Won
09:40 --- 23,600 Won
10:20 --- 23,600 Won
11:00 --- 16,000 Won
11:40 --- 23,600 Won
12:20 --- 23,600 Won
13:00 --- 16,000 Won
13:40 --- 23,600 Won
14:20 --- 16,000 Won
15:00 --- 23,600 Won
15:40 --- 16,000 Won
16:20 --- 16,000 Won
17:00 --- 23,600 Won
17:40 --- 23,600 Won
18:20 --- 16,000 Won
19:20 --- 16,000 Won
22:00 --- 23,600???
Here's a tip: Make a mental note of your bus's parking space number. When you return from the rest area you'll find that all the buses look alike and you don't want to be confused.
This is the rest area.
This is the arrivals area of the Seoul express bus terminal. Turn to your left as you come through the door.
This sign is in the arrival area. Note the area indicating that the Express Bus Terminal - Honam Line is to your left.
Look for this PC bong. The departure area of the bus terminal is just to the left.
Inside the retail area adjacent to the bus terminal. You see this just after you walk past the ticket window. The arrow is indicating that you can head down the escalator to catch the 3, 7, and 9 subways. Down below there is a McDonald's and an Outback Steakhouse.
When you come out of the subways there are signs pointing to the Gyeongbu and Yeongdong Lines. You want the Honam Line. I am wondering if they renamed it because I have never seen signs for Honam. If you get confused ask some one to point you to the Shinsegae department store. Shinsegae is attached to the Honam bus terminal.
Coming off the subway. The bus line you want is the Honam Line. I never see signs for the Honam Line.
This is the ticket window where you buy your return to Yeonggwang.
This is the electronic screen above the ticket window. The screens rotate through all of the various cities. Yeonggwang can be seen in the middle row.
This is the bus schedule posted on a column near the ticket window.
Here's a close-up of the Yeonggwang schedule.
Here's the schedule as of July 10, 2010:
07:00 --- 23,600 Won
07:40 --- 16,000 Won
08:20 --- 23,600 Won
09:00 --- 16,000 Won
09:40 --- 23,600 Won
10:20 --- 16,000 Won
11:00 --- 16,000 Won
11:40 --- 23,600 Won
12:20 --- 23,600 Won
13:00 --- 16,000 Won
13:40 --- 23,600 Won
14:20 --- 16,000 Won
15:00 --- 23,600 Won
15:40 --- 23,600 Won
16:20 --- 16,000 Won
17:00 --- 23,600 Won
17:40 --- 23,600 Won
18:20 --- 16,000 Won
19:20 --- 16,000 Won
22:00 --- 23,600???
???? The last bus is called the Midnight Excellence. I assume it costs 23,600 Won but it might be more.
Buses returning to Yeonggwang leave from Gate 8. Here's a tip: There can be several buses parked at Gate 8 at the same time so when you're within 10 minutes of your departure step outside and look for your bus.
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